Near Miss

I got myself into a near-miss earlier this morning. I was driving out of campus with E in the back. As I was about to make my right turn, a lorry made a right turn into campus. As the lorry was making the right turn, it was clear for me to make my right turn out to the main road.

Ooh boy. Just as I got out of campus and making the right turn, apparently there was a car speeding straight from the right!

Let’s just say that I’m really thankful that I was not t-boned!

Audio Transcription

A few days ago, I attended a meeting. Instead of taking notes of the meeting, I decided to use my phone’s audio recorder in order for me to be actively involved in the meeting.

I thought I’d have to sit through the recording to transcribe the audio notes later but I was pleasantly surprised to note that I now am able to automatically get my phone to transcribe the audio file.

It’s not 100% perfect but it definitely did make things so much easier!


I have had Notion since 2022. Never really made use of it though. However, lately, I have been wanting to be more organised and looking at Notion again, I realised just how powerful this tool can be.

I’m just so excited at the possibilities.

A screen grab of a dashboard I created on Notion

While it just looks like a table, it is so much more than that! For anyone needing any sort of scheduler or a to-do list or even just a space to write down your thoughts, try checking out Notion.

Self-service Police Kiosk

As mentioned in my previous post, my dad was recently scammed.

There was a neighbourhood police post nearby. I say ‘was’ as even though the physical unit space was there, it’s no longer manned by the police.

In its place is some sort of self-service reporting kiosk. Initially, I thought there would be sort of video-on-demand kind of video calls but I didn’t see any way of activating that service.

There were on-screen prompts to help someone make a police report but my dad told me later that, if I weren’t there, he wouldn’t have known how to begin making the report.

He told me that he would have probably waited or gone to the Neighbourhood Police Centre instead even though he does realise that time is of the essence especially in these cases when the scam is fresh.


Just last night, my dad was a victim of a scam.

He received a call from someone identifying himself as an insurance agent from overseas. Let’s call this guy Jason (not his real name). Jason asked my dad if he had ever purchased an insurance policy overseas. My dad said no and Jason told my dad that there were an insurance policy in my dad’s name and that as my dad had just ‘confirmed’ that he had not purchased any policy, that my dad is now being suspected of being involved in money laundering. Jason further told my dad that an officer from MAS would be giving him a call.

Jason said that before MAS gives my dad a call, Jason would like to help my dad ‘secure’ his monies to ensure that in the event MAS were to conduct a raid of the money launderers, my dad’s money would be safe.

Jason then instructed my dad to open an account with GXS bank. Jason then asked my dad to transfer everything he had from his various bank accounts into this GXS account.

I really have no idea how but I thank God that my dad got suspicious at this point. I mean, to be fair, he could have been a little bit more cautious. Anyway, long story short, we made a police report and locked his bank accounts.

To find out more about the scam, read this link. Turned out, Mothership had actually ran an article about a very very similar incident that happened in January. Unfortunately for the lady involved, she lost S$100,000. The way it happened with my dad was identical! Even the suspect’s name was the same!

I think more education is needed to help our seniors. I don’t think the awareness campaigns are working very well. There’s still a gap that’s not being addressed and our vulnerable seniors are still being targeted by these scammers.